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University of Pennsylvania, J.D., cum laude
Rutgers University, M.A., summa cum laude
Lehigh University, B.A. summa cum laude


New York and New Jersey State Bars
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
U.S. District Courts, SDNY, EDNY, NDNY, DNJ


Fran is an accomplished commercial litigator with an expertise in employment law and appellate practice. She has wide-ranging experience in state and federal courts, in mediations and arbitrations, before FINRA, the AAA, the EEOC, the New York State Human Rights Division and other administrative agencies. Fran has appeared in the United States Supreme Court and the New York Court of Appeals.


Fran also counsels businesses in all aspect of employment, human resources and personnel issues including in connection with restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, and reductions-in-force.


Fran is an experienced mediator and serves on the mediation panel for the Southern District of New York Mediation Program.


Fran has numerous publications and speaking engagements about employment law matters. She routinely conducts sexual harassment prevention trainings and other programs designed to enhance employees’ awareness of proper workplace conduct.
Fran maintains a longstanding role as Adjunct Professor of Law at Fordham Law School. She has also taught courses on constitutional law at Rutgers University.

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