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Library of New York Employment Law Forms
American Lawyer Media (2014)

Hiring and Firing
Law Journal Press (2009)

Negotiating and Drafting Contract Boilerplate
American Lawyer Media (2003)


"New Year, New Employer Obligations"

New York Law Journal (January 2020)


“Mandatory Arbitration of Sexual Harassment Claim and FAA Preemption”
New York Law Journal (August 2019)

“Second Circuit Adopts Negligence-Based ‘Cat’s Paw’ Doctrine”
New York Law Journal (October 2016) 

“Is There a Monkey in the Workplace? ‘Cat’s Paw’ Doctrine in Second Circuit”
New York Law Journal (June 2012) 

“Expert Witnesses:  The Right Time?”
New York Law Journal, Special Litigation Section (June 2006) 
“Punitive Damage Awards in New York Since ‘State Farm’”
New York Law Journal (December 2005) 

“A Revival of Summary Judgment for Employers”
The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel (November 2005) 
“Hello is Everyone There?”
New York Law Journal (March 2005)


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